Download files in spectral stereo re-mixes:The Eddie Cochran stereo remix and remaster project by khundalini [Edition 2023]:3. Memorial Album [v2 05.10.23]2. Singin’ To My Baby [v2 05.04.23]click the pic1. The Cochran Brothers4. Cherished Memories[v2 05.10.23]5. My Way6. Never To Be Forgotten7. On The Air [v2]8. Session Man Vol. 110. Session Man Vol. 39. Session Man Vol. 211. Session Man Vol. 4 [v2]This work is revised at irregular intervals. Please pay attention to the change dates of the files in the cloud.12. Outtakes & Alternates Vol. 113. Outtakes & Alternates Vol. 214. Outtakes & Alternates Vol. 3My Love To Remember [v1, reheasal] / Dark Lonely Street [v1, TK1-5] / My Love To Remember [v2, TK 2-3, TK 5-7, TK 9] / HalfLoved [v1; v2, TK 2-5] / Love Me So I'll Know (Bob Denton)[Single], I'm Sending You This Record (Bob Denton) [Single], TimeWill Tell (Bob Denton) [Single], Love Is Made Of This (BobDenton) [orig. Stereo] / Someone To Love Me (Paula Morgan)[without echo] / Pretty Girl [2-track stereo centered], US Single] /Teenage Cutie [TK 1-4]Summertime Blues [US Single] / Ah, Pretty Girl [Single] / My Baby(She Loves Me) (The Four Dots) [TK 13] / Take My Hand (I'mLonely) (The Four Dots) [TK 3 & TK 6 fs] / Once More (The FourDots) [TK 2-6] / Bread Fred (The Four Dots) [TK 6 echo, TK 6 noecho] / My Way [backing track] / Rock 'n' Roll Blues [backing track,TK unknown] / Think Of Me [TK 14 UK Single, 'stop' vsn] / BollWeevil Song [TK 1] / Guybo [Track 1 TK 1, overdub session, Track4 TK 6] / Bad Baby Doll (Darry Weaver) [TK 1-2 fs] / Chicken ShotBlues [TK 1-2 fs] / Milk Cow Blues [rehearsal & TK 1, TK 2 fs] / It'sHeaven (The Four Dots) [TK 1] / Strollin' Guitar [rehearsal & Track3 TK 1, TK 1 overdub, Track 2 TK 4] / Little Angel [TK 1, TK 3, TK 5 fs-7, TK 9-10]My Love To Remember [v5, TK 1-3] / Jelly Bean [TK 1-5, TK 8-9, Track 2 TK 12] / Don't Bye, Bye Baby Me [TK 1-3, TK 4 withhand clapping, TK 4 with train noise, backing track] / If I WereDying (The Four Dots) [ TK 4 fs] / I Wanna Know (Eddie Daniels) [TK 7-8] / Uh, Oh Little Girl (Eddie Daniels) [TK 2] / Fourth ManTheme [Track 1 TK 1] / Have An Apple Dearie [TK 2] / Cut Across Shorty [TK 11 stereo centered, TK 21]‘My Love To Remember’ (version 5) is actually version 4. In the Bear Family box set "Something Else", the rehearsal of version 1 is referred to as version 4. To avoid confusion, I've kept the "official" reading!16. The Private Sessions Vol. 2 [mono]15. The Private Sessions Vol. 1 [mono][v2 01.03.24]With Chuck Foreman:Rockin’ It / Gamblers Guitar / Jammin’ With Jimmy / Tenderly /Steelin’ The Blues / Two Of A Kind / Two Of A Kind [backingtrack] / Stardust / Stardust [backing track] / Candy Kisses /Chuck & Eddie’s Boogie / In The Mood / I’ll See You In MyDreams / Hearts Of Stone [stereo] / Water Baby Blues [short riff]/ Humorous Coversation / Cannonball Rag / Blue Gypsy / ThePoor People Of ParisWith Bob Denton, Art York, Guybo & Carl West (live):That’s Alright, Mama / Remington Ride / She Done Give HerHeart To Me / Live Fast, Love Hard, Die YoungWith Gary Lambert:Boogie Woogie Breakdown / Tea For Two / Dixie / Jersey Bounce/ T.D.’s Boogie / Memphis Blues / Rock Around The Clock / RockA Bye Boogie / Elmer’s Tune / Bye Bye Blues / Steel Guitar Rag /High Rocking Swing / St. Louis Blues / Jazz Me Blues / WabashBlues / Birth Of The Blues / Till I Waltz Again With You / BlueSteel Blues / Panhandle Rag / Gary’s TuneWith Gary Williams:I’ll See You In My Dreams / Farewell, My Bluebell / Dallas CountyJail Blues [v 1] / T.B. Blues / Dallas County Jail Blues [v 2] /Dobro BreaksWith Sharon Sheeley: High HopesRain [home demo]17. Composer, Arranger & Related [stereo / mono]Let’s Get Acquainted (Ray Stanley) / Common Sence (RayStanley) / Hurry Up! (Richie Valens) / Annie Had A Party[CANDIX] (The Kelly Four)* / Annie Had A Party [CEST] (The GeeCee’s)* / Annie Has A Party [SILVER] The Kelly Four)* / FastJivin’ [promo edit] (Ernie Freeman) / Hooray For Weekend (LarryMoore) / A Million Teadrops (John T. Webster & Anna) /Something Else [french edit] / It’s Nothing To Me (Loy Clingman) /So Fine, Be Mine (The Kelly Four) / Did You Ever (The KellyFour) / Loose Juice [Acetate] (Tommy Law) / Freeman HooverInterview / Freeman Hoover Interviews with Jimmy Bowen /Interview with Buddy Holly, Jerry Allison / Eddie Cochran &Connie Smith / Freeman Introduces Eddie’s KCSR Radio Promo /Eddie’s LA ‘Big Sound’ Radio Promo / Eddie Talks About FrankieLymon / Interview with Gene & Eddie [Liverpool March 1960] / Bonus tracks from the movie “Hod Rod Gang”: UntitledInstrumentals #1, #2 [edit], #3**) and interviews monoMr. Fiddle / Two Blue Singin' Stars / Your Tomorrow's Never Come /Guilty Conscience / Rockin' And Flyin' [v1] / Closer, Closer, Closer /A Healer Like Time / My Honest Name / Walkin' Stick Boogie / Rollin'/ That’s What It Makes A Man / This Must Be The Place / Pink-PegSlacks / Latch On [v1] / Heart Of A Fool / Yesterday's Heartbreak /Latch On [v2] / My Love To Remember [v1] / Tired And Sleepy /Fools Paradise / Slow Down / Open The Door / I’m Ready [demo] /Patent Pending [demo] / Pedal Pushin’ Baby [demo] / Rockin’ AndFlyin’ [v2, TK 4] / Rockin’ And Flyin’ [v2, TK 7]Sittin' In The Balcony / Completely Sweet [v2] / Undying Love /Lovin' Time / Proud Of You / Am I Blue / Drive-In Show / MeanWhen I'm Mad / Stockin's & Shoes / Tell Me Why / Cradle Baby /One KissBonus: Twenty-Flight Rock [v1] / Completely Sweet [v1] / Twenty-Flight Rock [v2]C'mon Everybody [Single vsn] / Three Steps To Heaven [v 2 TK 5]/ Cut Across Shorty [TK 21 sped-up] / Jeannie Jeannie Jeannie[X5] / Pocketful Of Hearts / Hallelujah, I Love Her So / Don't EverLet Me Go / Summertime Blues [UK vsn] / Teresa [TK 3] /Somethin’ Else [TK 14 no fade] / Pretty Girl [LP vsn] / TeenageHeaven [v 2 TK 7] / Boll Weevil Song [TK 1 sped-up] / IRememberBonus: C’mon Everybody [outtake] / Jeannie Jeannie Jeannie [wogtr overdub orig. stereo] / Pretty Girl [3-track vsn, alt. voc stereoremix] / Three Steps To Heaven [v 1 TK 9] / Pretty Girl [UK Singlevsn] / Teenage Heaven [v 1] / Jeannie Jeannie Jeannie [orig.stereo]Cherished Memories [TK 6] / I've Waited So Long / Never / SkinnyJim [overdubbed] / Half Loved [v2, TK 5 overdubbed] / Weekend[TK 13A] / Nervous Breakdown [v2 overdubbed] / Let's GetTogether / Rock 'n' Roll Blues / Dark Lonely Street [v2] / Pink-PegSlacks [v2 overdubbed] / That's My Desire [overdubbed] / SweetiePie / Think Of Me [alt. vsn] Bonus: Cherished Memories [TK 6, orig. stereo] / CherishedMemories [TK 14, orig. stereo] / I’ve Waited So Long [TK 11,original stereo] / Dark Lonely Street [v1, TK 6] / Pink Peg Slacks[v2 undubbed] / That’s My Desire [undubbed] / Think Of Me [ LP‘stop’ vsn] / Skinny Jim [undubbed] / Nervous Breakdown [v ] /Nervous Breakdown [v2 undubbed]My Way / Little Angel [TK 10 orig. stereo] / Eddie's Blues / LoveAgain [overdubbed] / I Almost Lost My Mind [overdubbed] / JamSandwich / Little Lou [TK 6] / Blue Suede Shoes [overdubbed] /Hammy Blues / My Love To Remember [v5, TK 10] / Milk CowBlues [TK 3] / Guybo [v2, TK 5] / Long Tall Sally [overdubbed]Bonus: Guybo [v1] / Lonely [overdubbed] / Little Angel [TK 10overdubbed orig. stereo] / Love Again [undubbed] / I Always LostMy Mind [undubbed] / Blue Suede Shoes [undubbed] / Long TallSally [undubbed] / Lonely [undubbed / Guybo [TK13] / My Love ToRemember [v5, TK 3] Nice 'N' Easy [demo] / String Fever / Jungle Jingle / Guitar Blues/ Mighty Mean [demo] / Cotton Picker / Ah, Pretty Girl [TK 19] /Teenage Cutie [TK 5] / One Minute To One [demo] / Cruisin' TheDrive-In / Meet Mr. Tweedy / Three Stars / Chicken Shot Blues[TK 3] / Instrumental Blues / Strollin' Guitar / Hallelujah I LoveHer So [TK 12 undubbed] / Jelly Bean [TK 10] / Don't Bye, ByeBaby Me [TK 4] / Fourth Man Theme / Shotgun Wedding Theme/ Country Jam / Have An Apple Dearie [TK 1] / Ah, Pretty Girl[TK 32 w gtr solo orig. stereo] / Song Of New Orleans[overdubbed]Introduction / Money Honey / Have I Told You Lately That I LoveYou / Hallelujah I Love Her So / C'mon Everybody / Somethin'Else / Twenty-Flight Rock / Summertime Blues / Milk Cow Blues /My Babe / I Don't Like You No More / Sweet Little Sixteen / WhiteLightningSay Mama / Summertime / Somethin’ Else / Hallelujah I Love HerSo / Be-Bop-A-Lula / Twenty-Flight Rock / Rocky Road Blues /C’mon Everybody / Wildcat / My Heart / What’d I Say / Milk CowBluesBonus: C’mon Everybody (mono) / Don’t Blame It On Me / Sittin’In The Balcony / Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ OnEvery Dog Has His Day - Jess Willard / Don't Hold Her So Close -Jess Willard / Meet Me At Joe's - Riley Crabtree / Don't Turn AwayFrom Me - Riley Crabtree / Pistol Packin' Mama - Al Dexter / IWon't Be Number Two - Al Dexter / Fast Jivin' - Jerry Capehart /Cryin' In One Eye - Don Deal / Broken-Hearted Feller - Don Deal /He's Graduating - Carol Palmer / I'm Gonna Tell My ConscienceOn You - Tom Forse / They Call You A Small Fry - Tom Forse /Slowly But Surely - Wynn Stewart / The Keeper Of The Keyes -Winn Stewart / You Oughta See Grandma Rock - SkeetsMcDonald / Heartbreakin' Mama - Skeets McDonald / ButterscotchCandy And Strawberry Wine - Jack Lewis / Latch On [v 3] - GeneDavis / Someone To Love Me - Jack Lewis / I.O.U. - Jack Lewis /Tood-A-Loo - Jack Lewis / Borrowed Love - Lynn Marshall / You'llFind Out - Lynn Marshall / Market Place - Ray Stanley / Pushin' -Ray Stanley / Love Charms - Ray Stanley / My Lovin' Baby - RayStanley / Kiss & Make Up - Ray Stanley / Over A Coke - RayStanley / I Want Elvis For Christmas - The Holly Twins / TheTender Age - The Holly Twins / Salamander - Mamie Van Doren /Go Go Calypso - Mamie Van Doren / Ooh Ba La Baby - MamieVan Doren / Rolling Stone - Mamie Van DorenI'm Confessin' - June Cochran / I Dream Of You - June Cochran /The Hat - Lynn Marshall / New Shoes - Lee Denson / Always Late -Bob Denton / On My Mind Again - Bob Denton / Sick And Tired -Bob Denton / Ting A Ling Telephone - Yvonne Lime / Love Me So I'llKnow [TK 19 orig. stereo] - Bob Denton / I'm Sending You ThisRecord [TK 29 orig. dry stereo] - Bob Denton / Love Is Made Of This - [TK 20 orig. stereo] - Bob Denton / Time Will Tell [TK 15 orig.stereo] - Bob Denton / Don't Cha - Darla Daret / Honey Honey -Darla Daret / Only A Fool - Paula Morgan / Someone To Love Me -Paula Morgan / I Hang My Head And Cry - Paula Morgan / WillaMae - Al Casey / My Blind Date - Don Deal / Don't Push - Don Deal / Smoochin' - Margie Rayburn / Bongo Boy - Danny Andrew / GuitarPicker - Bob Luman / Lipstick [Single vsn] - The Playthings / Sittin' -The Playthings / Big Door - Gene Brown / Git It - Gene Vincent / Teenage Partner [v 2] - Gene Vincent / Peace Of Mind - GeneVincent / Lovely Loretta - Gene Vincent / Somebody Help Me -Gene Vincent / Five Feet Of Lovin' [v 2] - Gene VincentBorn To Rock [demo] - John Ahley / Don't Let Them Tear Us Apart - John Ashley / Mean Mean Woman - John Ashley / Annie Laurie - John Ashley / Hit And Run Lover- John Ashley / The Wayward Wind - Gene Vincent / Now Is The Hour - Gene Vincent / Alright, But It Won't Be Easy - Margie Rayburn / Pretty Little Devil - Bob Denton / Thinkin' About You - Bob Denton / Scratchin' - Jerry Capehart / I Hate Rabbits - Jerry Capehart / The Man Who Made An Angel Cry - Loy Clingman / Showdown - Loy Clingman / Drown In My Tears - Troyce Key / Baby Please Don't Go - Troyce Key / Watch Your Mouth - Troyce Key / At The Fair - The Ross Brothers19 Miss Lonely Heart - The Ross Brothers / Go Out And By YourselfA Hat - The Huskies / Seriously In Love - John Ashley / I Want ToHear It From You - John Ashley / My Baby (She Loves Me) [TK 14] -The Four Dots / It's Heaven [TK 2] - The Four Dots / Take My Hand[TK 9] - The Four Dots / Fontella [v 1, TK 1] - The Four Dots / MakeMe Queen Again - Margie Rayburn / Wait - Margie Rayburn / JellyBean - The Tigers / Don't Bye, Bye Baby Me - The Tigers / Don'tWake Up The Kids - The Four Dots / Pleading For Your Love - TheFour Dots / How'd Ya Do - Sherman Scott / Way Out Far - ShermanScott / Fontella [v 2, TK 5] - The Four DotsOnce More [TK 22 oberdubbed] - The Four Dots / Bread Fred [TK 5] - The Four Dots / Hide And Go Seek [TK 4] - The Four Dots / If IWere Dying [TK 5] - The Four Dots / Me And The Bear - JohnnyBurnette / Cool Juice - Tommy Law / Johnny Johnny Johnny - TheG Notes / Spilled Milk - Jay Johnston / Quick Like - Elroy Peace /Way In The Middle Of The Night - Dorsey Burnette / Just Relax -Baker Knight / Walk A Dog - Jay Johnston / The Willies - BarryMartin / Minnie The Moocher - Barry Martin / Ain't-a That Something- Larry O'Keefe / Should I - Mike Clifford & Patience And Prudence /Lovin' I'm Wastin' [TK 3] - Darry Weaver / Itty Bitty Betty [TK 1] -Darry Weaver / Bad Baby Doll [TK 3] - Darry Weaver / Ballad OfThe One-Eyed Jacks [TK 1] - Johnny Burnette / Blue School Days[TK 1] - Johnny & Dorsey Burnette / Just A Memory [TK 3] - JohnnyBurnette / Your Cheatin' On Me [TK 2 overdubbed] - JohnnyBurnette / Just Keep Goin' On [TK 1 overdubbed] - Johnny Burnette/ Opportunity - Jewel Akens & Eddie Daniels / Doin' The Hully Gully- Jewel Akens & Eddie Daniels / Who Can I Count On - Jewel Akens& Eddie Daniels / I Wanna Know [TK 8 orig. stereo] - Eddie Daniels/ Uh Oh Little Girl [TK 7 orig. stereo] - Eddie Daniels / I Can't LetYou Go [TK 11 orig. stereo] / Sarah Lee - Bob Orrison18. Session Man Vol. 5 (supplement) [stereo]With Don Deal:The High Sign / Down The Road To Nowhere / It Could Be Wrong /Love Me Sweetheart / Let's Get It Over Right Now / I Don't Want ToBut I Do / When You Hear A Saviour Call / Don't Ask Me WhyNot sure of Eddie’s involvement:Behind Those Swingin' Doors (Smoki Witfield) / I'll Be Waiting ForYou (Ronnie McBee) / Eeney Meeney Mieney Moe (John Stone) /Little Wheel (Patience And Prudence) / Sixteen Tons (Jewel Akens& Eddie Daniels) / My Eyes Are Crying For You (Jewel Akens &Eddie Daniels) / You're My Darling (Glen Garrison & The NoteKings) / Ummm, Kiss Me Goodnight (Buddy Lowe)Live At The Showboat Hotel, Las Vegas [07-02-1959] [stereo]Introduction by Jay Stewart / Instrumental [The Swingers] / C’monEverybody / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Don’t Blame It On Me / Summertime Blues / Johnny Bond Interviews Eddie &Band Members / Introduction by Jay Stewart / Night Walk [TheSwingers] / School Days / Be Honest With Me / Money Honey /C’mon EverybodyMemorial Album (LIBERTY LBS 83 009 E) 1969 [original mock-stereo version]Cherished Memories (LIBERTY LBS 83 072 E) 1967 [original mock-stereo version]Cherished Memories [TK 6] / I've Waited So Long / Never / SkinnyJim [overdubbed] / Half Loved [v2, TK 5 overdubbed] / Weekend[TK 13A] / Nervous Breakdown [v2 overdubbed] / Let's Get Together / Rock 'n' Roll Blues / Dark Lonely Street [v2] / Pink-Peg Slacks [v2overdubbed] / That's My Desire [overdubbed] / Sweetie Pie / ThinkOf Me [alt. vsn] C'mon Everybody [Single vsn] / Three Steps To Heaven [v 2,TK 5] / Cut Across Shorty [TK 21, sped-up] / Jeannie JeannieJeannie [X5] / Pocketful Of Hearts / Hallelujah, I Love Her So /Don't Ever Let Me Go / Summertime Blues [UK vsn] / Teresa[TK 3] / Somethin’ Else [TK 14, no fade] / Pretty Girl [LP vsn] /Teenage Heaven [v 2, TK 7] / Boll Weevil Song [TK 1, sped-up] / I RememberBONUS MATERIAL: